, a leading provider of easy-to-use payroll software and check printing software for accountants, small to medium size businesses and families, give buyers a new way to get free products by partnering with TrialPay, the leader in alternative online payments. If a consumer already has a laser computer, the total cost for the software and the check paper can be $0. All items user needed are a laser printer, blank check paper and ezCheckPersonal software. Most banks accept checks printed with the regular laser print toner. It saves users time and money in a variety of ways. Users will never run out of checks and users are never left with stacks of unused preprinted checks when the bank changes names or you move to a new address. With ezCheckPersonal, users can have the flexibility to print quality bank checks immediately in a secure environment. LOUISVILLE, KY, Ma/24-7PressRelease/ - ezCheckPersonal is a personal check designing and check printing software for personal use.